Thursday, November 18, 2010

Maddie at 3 weeks!

She’s growing fast!  We can’t believe that it has been three weeks and how much older she looks already! Incredible! 

We took our first walks this weekend at Tyler and Core Creek Park and have some nice pictures of the family.  Enjoy


  1. What a beautiful little one you guys are blessed with! :) This is Adrien's cousin, Tara in Florida. It's so nice to see photos! You guys did great! Can't wait to see more!

  2. Hey Tara! I just saw this post and wanted to say hi! (Its Adrien). So great to hear from you and I hope things are good in FL! :)

    1. Wow, I just saw this response, a year later! Hope all is well. Heard some good news about you! :) Keep in touch! My email is - Email me sometime! Or call/text - 941-780-4659! Love ya!
